What We Stand For

We are the POLITICO-E&E News Guild

A supermajority of newsroom employees at POLITICO and E&E News have formed a union. We seek equitable pay, a diverse and inclusive workplace, job protections for everyone and a voice in decisions that affect us all.

Great journalism is the result of passionate and hard-working journalists: the reporters who hold elected officials accountable and explain the inner workings of government agencies; the graphic designers and data teams who illuminate their words; the producers and copy editors who fact-check their work and keep our sites running smoothly; and so many others.

We take pride in this work and the acclaim it has won for our publications, once-scrappy upstarts that now go head-to-head with centuries-old newspapers. But these achievements have not resulted in just conditions for everyone, and not all of us enjoy the same protections and perks.

In the spirit of love for journalism, respect for our colleagues and hope for this company’s future, we request that Robert Allbritton and management voluntarily recognize our joint union — a unit of the Washington-Baltimore News Guild, part of the Communications Workers of America — and agree to negotiate the terms of our employment.